life is small, living is large
Unselfish acts, friendship, good deeds, seeing and reflecting about more than what's put in front of ones nose,
I truly believe combining those things add meaning and understanding to our lives.
If I could only make one wish for My future it would be that I wish to be happy. I want to be able to smile everyday
just for the simple pleasure of being alive. Not because I have a million dollar company, a walk in closet, jewelry,
a fancy car, good looks or access to 5-star dining. I want to be able to see the people around me and feel the ground underneath my feet.
Money can't buy happiness. I never want to suppress those four words, honestly. I never want to be a materialistic
individual that lead a meaningless life in order to feed the wallet, instead of feeding the soul.
Living in Cambodia, sharing a room with two other people and a bathroom with another five, working for no salary,
having no computer nor tv, sweating as I drove the old bicycle to work while being covered in dust from the dirt roads,
living out of my suitcase, I was happy then.
If I could only make one wish for My future it would be that I wish to be happy. I want to be able to smile everyday
just for the simple pleasure of being alive. Not because I have a million dollar company, a walk in closet, jewelry,
a fancy car, good looks or access to 5-star dining. I want to be able to see the people around me and feel the ground underneath my feet.
Money can't buy happiness. I never want to suppress those four words, honestly. I never want to be a materialistic
individual that lead a meaningless life in order to feed the wallet, instead of feeding the soul.
Living in Cambodia, sharing a room with two other people and a bathroom with another five, working for no salary,
having no computer nor tv, sweating as I drove the old bicycle to work while being covered in dust from the dirt roads,
living out of my suitcase, I was happy then.
Please do reflect.

puan thai
Am learning more thai each day, feels great!
Sleepover yesterday, eating, laughing, watching movie etc.
Oh I love being back in school using my brain again. Yes, remind me I said this when midterm
and final exams are coming up, I might need it. Helping a friend move tomorrow,
free until tuesday!

and final exams are coming up, I might need it. Helping a friend move tomorrow,
free until tuesday!

I will treat you like a princess.. tonight
My heart wouldn't have turned into ice if you'd just left out that last word.
Would have loved to post pictures of the last day here but I didn’t bring my camera.
Try picturing this:
Normal morning in school, sitting next to an unfamiliar face in class, going with her and a couple of other new faces
for Japanese food, skipping class, a black BMW, heavy traffic jams, being invited to a birthday party at Waterside,
gift hunting, driving to some resort, eating Thai seafood, cakes and baked sweets, celebrating, drinking and singing
karaoke for the b-day boy, heading home but ending up at a sweaty after party at Khaosan with another 4 new faces,
vodka buckets, dancing like crazy in the flickering disco lights, eating jok on the street just before the sunrise,
4 of us falling asleep in the same bed and one on the floor right beside at 6 am. Don’t forget the hot guy from
Dubai and the even hotter Thai gay guys.
So that was Tuesday.
Would have loved to post pictures of the last day here but I didn’t bring my camera.
Try picturing this:
Normal morning in school, sitting next to an unfamiliar face in class, going with her and a couple of other new faces
for Japanese food, skipping class, a black BMW, heavy traffic jams, being invited to a birthday party at Waterside,
gift hunting, driving to some resort, eating Thai seafood, cakes and baked sweets, celebrating, drinking and singing
karaoke for the b-day boy, heading home but ending up at a sweaty after party at Khaosan with another 4 new faces,
vodka buckets, dancing like crazy in the flickering disco lights, eating jok on the street just before the sunrise,
4 of us falling asleep in the same bed and one on the floor right beside at 6 am. Don’t forget the hot guy from
Dubai and the even hotter Thai gay guys.
So that was Tuesday.
Hey. Here's part of my monday in pictures.
Actually a very small party because I've been running around town all day, but nevermind
Saw a great movie earlier, Shambhala. Got me thinking.

Cosplay @Siam Paragon
Stumbled upon Japan Festa. Kawaii!

pause for a minute
Weekend market today? Wat Arun? Cinema? Boat tour? Party? Beach? Nightmarket?
Chill in Lumpini? Evillover? Riverside? Or maybe just take a taxi to some random place.
We'll see. It's 10 am, been awake for two hours. Love waking up early and not feeling like a zombie.
Should take some new photos for you all too. I know you probably looove to see my pretty face here but
it's not really that inventive.
Did yoga. Theses are pre-workout pics btw, but I'm looking sweaty still.
Faboulous features of living in a tropical climate. Got to love it.

This is me gliding to school:

rao poot thai dai ka
Finally met Bee again in school. I've missed you maak maak na!
I am currently studying thai online. Pronounciation is hard. VERY VERY HARD.
Something is wrong with the internet connection in my room. The days when I could chill in bed
with high connectivity are long gone. Have to sit at the kitchen table now, so harsh.
Oh mr Evillover, this was strike two. Don't bother come crawling back if you miss out one more time.
Must admit I would miss cruising around in your car though.
Honestly, I think there will be some partying going down this week too.

starred in a photo shoot

lol, just joking. I'm not that famous. Yet.
Needed an excuse to post some ego pictures from my bathroom :)
Oh so sneaky.
Missing my homies from school, see you tomorrow!
Missing my homies from school, see you tomorrow!
never want to drink alcohol again in my life.
Hi, hungover day 2. wtf
Worst thing is not feeling like a dead fish, it is knowing that I did this to myself.
Going to the cinema now and then taking some pictures of this wonderful city!

fo sho
Paaaaaaaaaaaaarty last night. Surprised I woke up in my own bed this morning.
Thank you dear classmates and friends for bringing me home safely.
God I have missed partying.
2 pm now, gonna try to eat some breakfast.
ugh need to cleanse my body today.

hello lovers
From what I had imagined everything is better. This far.
Love being late for school because then I can take a moto-taxi and glide thorugh the traffic.
That is honestly the highlight of the morning, sitting on the back of a motorbike, feeling the
hair whip uncontrollably because of the wind. Love that people look at me with a smile and laugh
becuase they think I act strange. Love ordering food for lunch from the school cantine.
I don't even despise the feeling of getting sweaty as soon as I walk outside the door.
Yeah, it's just better
and I love being here still.
Need to head to class now, time for psychology
Moi shimmering in the twilight

¿qué tal?
Only having a 5 hour lunch break today, hard hard student life.
Let me brief you on my schedule this semester.
Tuesday: Financial accounting todo el día. 8.40-16.30. Lunch 3 hours.
Wednesday: Introduction to business 8.40-11.10. Lunch 3 hours. Communicative English 14.00-16.30
Thursday: Fund. Mathematics 8.40-11.10. Com. English 11.20-12.30. Lunch 1.5 hours. General psychology 14.00-16.30
Friday: Mathematics 12.40-13.50. Politics & government 14.00-16.30
Saturday, sunday, monday: FREEEEEEEE!
I'm not complaining.
This is what I look like when I wake up, This is what I look like when I go to school

and this is me pretending to be a cool kid
golden lover
Met the goldielicious Buddha at Wat Pho yesterday, beautiful!
Chilling all day today, god I don't like it.
Going home to do some yoga soon and school time tomorrow!

you gave me life
Happy thai mothers day mum.

we will run and scream
Happiness is never more than a change of mindset away.

humid drops
I guess today was one of those days when I rather would have wanted to run around barefoot among hundreds
of high-rise trees, than sitting in an air-conditioned room surrounded by hundreds of sky-touching buildings.
Having the freedom of only being able to hear the wind's smooth touch against wavering leafs, mixed together
with the calming sound of streaming water wandering down stony paths.
Miss the feeling of being in a canoe, all alone, just gliding across the dark, silent lake.
Only hearing the gulping sound as water hits steel.
I still love being here, so don't think elsewise.
Despite that, I will soon lie down believing my bed is a boat and my floor is a lake.
Kind of missing the Swedish nature I grew up in at the moment.
Wavy movements will gently lead me to sleep tonight.

Major Cineplex, yoga, mocha frappe etc...
Sorry ka, am in no mood for writing right now.

orientation trip
Loved the trip!
Heh, somewhere in the beginning the foreign students and the thai students were separated
and somehow I was left with the thai's. Yaaaah thank Buddha I was! Had a greeeeeeat time!
Played games, got dirty, watched senior students perform hilarious shows, laughed like crazy.
Good jub BU!
Miss u already Nong, Bee, Oil, Man, Som O, Pui, Rich (and everyone else too)!
See you soon na!

Meet my bff (biff på svenska).
Have only known him for two days but I think this friendship will last.
Just look at these happy faces!

Off to Ratchaburi tomorrow! Have no idea what to expect. But I'm pretty sure it will be fun :]
Looking forward to leaving the big city for a while.
suit up
First day of orientation was really nice. School is fresh, people are helpful, funny, easygoing.
Have fellow students from ALL over the world!
Ok, so the 3 hours in the Auditorium might not have been the ideal way to spend the morning, but still.
It's Thailand. It's Bangkok. And it's my university now.
Free day tomorrow and going on a two-day trip to Ratchaburi on thursday. Introduction to thai culture, playing
games and getting to know the other freshmen students more. A little something like that.
And soon you are going to ask yourselfes why I'm posting a picture of some ropes attached to a decorative tree.
Yes, you are.

Have fellow students from ALL over the world!
Ok, so the 3 hours in the Auditorium might not have been the ideal way to spend the morning, but still.
It's Thailand. It's Bangkok. And it's my university now.
Free day tomorrow and going on a two-day trip to Ratchaburi on thursday. Introduction to thai culture, playing
games and getting to know the other freshmen students more. A little something like that.
And soon you are going to ask yourselfes why I'm posting a picture of some ropes attached to a decorative tree.
Yes, you are.

Then you obviously realised they were used as safety lines for the painters of the shoppingcentre.
Had a fun day with Mr Evillover. Yes yes love the name.
First day of introduction at school tomorrow. Exciting! Should try not to be late.
Gonna catch some sleep now.

a scent of dust
This is what you may stumble upon during an evening in Bkk:

add some spicy streetfood, a skateboard session, a group of teenage kids practising their dance routine,
hollering tuktuk drivers standing by their neon shimmering rides, graffiti artists creating new works, stalls
selling fake-you-name-it, smiling people, pressing humidity, high-so elite passing begging children, high rising
skyscrapers and petite shacks. Then you'll have a fraction of an idea of what Bangkok is all about.
I would like to go to the beach.
If I get some days off next week I know where I'll be heading.

extremely high pressure.
yesterday was chaotic. in my brain.
whole night was crazy. twisted.
Sometimes I imagine I think more than most people.
my brain enjoys eating me up, chewing me down and then spitting me out.
but I do also semi-believe it's a good quality. Nice job dear brain.

My room is overcrowded, by clothes. This day will go down in history as the first day I did my laundry in Bangkok.
Yayaya, mucho importante facts I feel.
Don't know what's going down tonight really. But I'm almost well now. Feels grrrreat!
No need for antibiotics. Didn't catch food poisoning either.
I memory you
Thanks, I remember you too.
Am enjoying a nice little sushi dinner at the moment. No, guess I couldn't stay away from the bustling city today either.
Went to Emporium for a cappucino, did a quick stopover in Asoke and then moved on to Victory monument.
Found a stall that sold sushi right off the street. Delicious, need I say more?
Only hoping I won't wake up with a case of food poisoning tomorrow. Heh..
Sometimes sad, many times funny, the contrasts here are incredibly intriguing. At least in my eyes.
(Side note: Just now a car drove by on the street outside while playing some Rock'n roll music, giiz for a second here I thought I was back in Torsby)
längtar tills ni kommer ner hit och hälsar på.

Left restlessness by the door and shut it from the outside yesterday. Went to a different part of the city,
then to the Lumpini park, strolled along the streets. Felt like a big chunk of bacteria as I was walking around.
Yum yum. Not attractive. But still people insist on telling me I'm beautiful. Thank you Asians.
It's only 11 am now and today I'm gonna force myself to stay inside. Rest a little bittle.
First Aid Kit are amazing.

I wanna get healthy again so I can run around exploring town!
oh restlessness, we are going to have a fun fun time today.

I'm back! Haven't been able to sign in to my account here. Anywho, here's the update:
Moved into a new apartment. 7th floor. Close to skytrain. 28sqm. Wonderful staff. It's very ok for now.
Celebrated my 1 week anniversary as a BKK resident with a nice little cold an a wonderful sore throat.
Running nose, coughing, and sweating like crazy.
Once I feel a bit better I'll be heading out to do some shopping from the markets for my little home.
Wooh internet is extremely slow here, taking forever to upload these pictures.
View from the balcony