humid drops

I guess today was one of those days when I rather would have wanted to run around barefoot among hundreds
of high-rise trees, than sitting in an air-conditioned room surrounded by hundreds of sky-touching buildings.
Having the freedom of only being able to hear the wind's smooth touch against wavering leafs, mixed together
with the calming sound of streaming water wandering down stony paths. 
Miss the feeling of being in a canoe, all alone, just gliding across the dark, silent lake.
Only hearing the gulping sound as water hits steel. 

I still love being here, so don't think elsewise.
Despite that, I will soon lie down believing my bed is a boat and my floor is a lake.
Kind of missing the Swedish nature I grew up in at the moment.
Wavy movements will gently lead me to sleep tonight.


Postat av: denendasomkommenterardinblogg :]

jag tror att du skrev lite fel där. jag tar mig tid och rättar dig :]

Miss the feeling of being in a canoe, all alone with alma, just gliding across the dark, silent lake with alma.
Only hearing the gulping sound as water hits steel and alma.

Svar: Viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiist, hahahatack för rättningen. sjääälvklart ska det stå så.
Thank you for spending your precious time on me! Men skypa igår kunde du inte :[

2012-08-11 @ 21:48:30


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