crossing borders
I don't want my fingers to be slipping over the keyboard, I want them to be crawling on your warm skin.
Oh my Buddha this long distance thing requires patience. Been only one week but it feels like several months.
Tomorrow. I'm going to look into your brown eyes. That feels good.
Cambodia here we go again! This time I wont let my blog slip into a coma, I promise.
So I moved to a new place today. Walking distance to skytrain and uni and entertainment things.
Very nice. I love the lady in the reception already.

3 days until I can hold the person that's constantly occupying my mind.
Looking forward to the 9 hour drive only because I know it will bring me to him.
It's weekend in Bangkok. I'm reading through next weeks studies.

Yes. Signed the contract for a new room today. Smoothly and steadily.
Cheeeezus, I'ma have a bathtub. Moving in four days. Travelling to Cambodia in five.
This flow feels great.
Meeting up with Piano tomorrow, heading up to the 80th floor of Baiyoke.

Siem Reap

Find a new room, move and then head over with some books to Cambodia again.
Please, I want to!

own neuk bong klang naaaa!
feeghi @instagram
Dont freak out now ok. I'm still using my 35 dollar old school phone. But as my dear brother
gave me his Galaxy phone before he went back to Sweden I decided to create an Instagram account.
See you here ---> feeghi
I'm hopefully moving next week by the way. Room hunting right now.

Said goodbye to Cambodia once again. I don't like these days and I miss you already.
I miss joking around with you, bike racing with you, speaking khmer with you, kissing you,
walking with my arm tightly holding yours. Miss how you hold me, how you look at me, how
you laugh at me when I mess up. I wish I could fall asleep tonight with my head resting on
your chest, your arm reaching around my waist, feel your heartbeat, inhale the scent of your
body. I miss us. Leaving you today felt like leaving a part of myself. Can't wait to hold you again.
This is real.

raw fish all up in here
Bangkok. Last day with la familia. We just got back from Koh Samet.
Introduced Alma to sushi yesterday... She went cray cray, threw rice, raw fish and soysauce all over my
apartment. Maybe you should keep a safe distance from the wasabi next time. Yeah you know what I'm
talking about. And try not to let the alarm go off in the elevator again. Kids..
Cambodia tomorrow! Hollaaaaa