you've got me
I try not to think about your soft tanned skin, the sidecut in your dark hair, the way your arm muscle flexes when
you play pool, the way the diamond on your tooth glistens when you smile, how you flinch when I kiss your neck,
the softness of your lips, the spark in your eyes, how easily you get frightened, how you wrapped your arms around
me like you were never letting go, the gash in your left eyebrow or the way we'd stand on rooftoops screaming
things out into the night.
I try not to think about it because it hurts too much to know that I can't open my eyes right now and look into your
brown ones. I know that even if I stretch my hand as far as I can I won't feel your presence. 14 days left.
I want to hold you so bad.

Merri Christumasu!
It's alive! I mean my blog.
Let me update you briefly:
I went to Cambodia after the last exam, 8 wonderful days. Got sick, got taken care of.
Said a painful goodbye. Hurts still. See you in 16 days. Yes it's a new countdown, better get used to them.
Back in Thailand. Got some infection in my body, draining my energy. Sitting by the beach in Chumpon writing this post with la familia. Going to Koh Tao tomorrow.
Ska käka lite skumtomtar nu.
Merry Christmas lovers and leeches!

I doubt we will be able to fix this relationship
You see, it was noticeable that you started to betray me a while ago. Occasionally you would simply
refuse to communicate, change focus, give me the silent treatment. Today you greeted me with a completely
black screen. Said something about wanting to file for divorce. We travelled together to the most amazing
places around the globe. Climbed mountains in France, watched wild animals on the savanna in Kenya,
lived in temples in Thailand, played with street children in Morocco, celebrated Queensday in Amsterdam,
partied at nightclubs in Cambodia, watched Kung Fu shows in Vietnam...
I would hold you in my hand trying not to shiver while waiting for the perfect shot, not uttering a single word.
It hurts and I'm gonna miss you, but I guess it's time to let go,
RIP Kodak Easy Share DX7630. Fuck.
2 days left. Cambodia, I'm ready.

out in the nature. but not really that natural
s black lake next to the Ta Prohm temple in Siem Reap

suddenly it's only 5 days left.
and 2 finals to go.

Watching a firework show from my balcony.
Happy Thai fathers day!